e-ImageData ScanPro i9500 AIO

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דגם מיקרופיש\פילם: SCANPRO I9300 ALL-IN-ONE

Image sensor:
26 Megapixel Camera: (6.6 MP image sensor x 4) with integrated pixel-shifting technology, largest pixels in the industry, over 7 times larger than the nearest competitor
Zoom range:
Optical 7x to 105x
Scannable media reduction range:
Optical 7x to 105x
Camera orientation:
Portrait and landscape selectable providing best image clarity for both portrait and landscape images
Convenient, front access port for flash drives
Image rotation:
Optical straightening of images for best image clarity
Soft, bright, film-optimized, monochromatic LEDs with lifetime warranty and optically clear carrier glass for best image clarity
Precision-Guide rollers:
Low inertia 12 ball bearing design protects film, easy-to-thread, provides precision control of film position and movement
Available Carriers and Media
Automatic scanning support for fiche, jackets, aperture cards, micro opaques, also enhances roll film performanc
UCC 510:
16/35 combination motorized roll film with and without blips, fiche, jackets, aperture cards, and micro opaques
UCC 610:
16/35/35M Cartridge combination motorized roll film with and without blips, fiche, jackets, aperture cards, and micro opaques
Standard Software Features
User Interface:
Intuitive Windows computer interface with customizable film selection wizard. Just a single-click to automatically set up your scanner using custom presets that retain all settings including optical zoom and focus. Presets are selected by simply clicking a picture of the customer’s film.
Reads “Blips” for indexed searching of all film types:
The only solution to handle all blipped film collections including Kodak, Canon, Minolta, 3M, AGFA or custom formatted film regardless of brand.- one, two, and three level image marks for use with simplex, duplex, and duo film.
Automatically scans roll film, fiche and jackets.
Straighten and crop
File formats:
PDF, TIFF, JPEG and more.
Unlimited scans, up to 20 images per minute (IPM) roll film b, fichec and jacketsc
Continual image focus even during optical zoom
Displayed image covers the entire monitor screen leaving no blank area
Digital zoom 7x to 1575x, read small text and examine fine details. Scan and print what is seen in the magnifier window
Digital image rotation:
Click to rotate 90°, 180°, 270°, and 360°
Click to mirror image
Live image editing, select any area (or multiple areas), adjust brightness, contrast, redact or whiteout for any selection with a single-click
Automatically adjusts brightness, contrast, straightens, and crops with single click
Automatic Straighten:
Select fully automatic, or semi-automatic
Click to quickly and accurately move 1 to 9 images
Paste, annotate, arrange, and size multiple scans onto a single page
Software selectable resolution:
150 dpi to 2000 dpi, 8-bit grayscale, 1-bit black and white
Scan and save file formats:
PDF, TIFF, JPEG and more, single and multi-page, single page OCR (OCR using ABBYY Fine Reader Engine)
Specify scan dimensions:
Explicitly specify the size of the printed or scanned document image
Watermark and copyright:
Customizable warning support for scans and prints
Three single-click print button:
Print seamlessly using preset printer and to specific printer paper drawer with the required paper size
Four single-click scan buttons:
Scan and save seamlessly using preset file name, format, and path
Single-click scan to Cloud button:
Scan and save seamlessly to cloud using preset file name and format
Single-click scan to email button:
Scan and save seamlessly to email securely using external or embedded email app

מידע נוסף:

We all know that original blipped film scanners are aging, and there are limited options for repairing them. That’s where the universal solution – the ScanPro® i9500 All-In-One™ comes into play – it can capture ALL of your blipped film, whether it is Kodak, Canon, Minolta, 3M AGFA or custom formatted film regardless of brand – single level, two level or three level, simplex, duplex, and duo. Although all brands and models of digital microfilm scanners can read blipped film “images”, only the ScanPro i9300 All-In-One is able to read “blips” image marks for indexed searching including all common and custom one, two and three level image marks (blips). In addition, the i9500 All-In-One microfilm scanner can read, scan, print on-demand and convert roll film, fiche and jacketed fiche at up to 100 images per minute.

The versatile ScanPro i9500 All-In-One provides the most precise image search on the market. It recognizes every batch, file and page with incomparable accuracy. And, using the ABBYY® fine reader engine, consistently picked by operators for speed and accuracy, can scan, search and OCR while scanning. These files can be saved as multi-page files in all of the common file formats and can be organized by batch, file and page using easy-to-use menus and controls. And, all of the job settings and controls required for a job can be saved as presets and recalled with a single click – making it possible to move from one job to the next quickly and efficiently.

A ScanPro i9500 All-In-One is built on a universal platform which can run not only the ScanPro i9300 All-In-One software but can also run the ScanPro 3000 All-In-One software bringing all of the capabilities and tools for working with non-blipped film. It uses a 26 megapixel camera1 with a large, 6.6 megapixel image sensor that is 8 times greater than any other manufacturer. The 26 megapixel camera provides the clearest image for working with all film types. The i9500 All-In-One includes a roll film carrier (UCC 550 or 650) for scanning 16mm/35mm microfilm and an AUTO-Carrier™ for scanning fiche and jackets. The AUTO-Carrier allows you to automatically move from image-to-image with a single click, automatically scan a range of images, groups of images, the entire fiche or jackets.

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